Sr. No | Name of the Best Practice | Links | |
1 | "Connecting Classrooms: The Impact of ICT on Teaching and Learning" | View/Download | |
2 | "Green Harvest: Optimal Techniques in Shatavari Cultivation and Vermicomposting" |
The aims of this practice are
1) To make students aware about gender equality right from their student life in order to emphasize, that women empowerment is the strength to society.
2) To create awareness among students, staff members and all stakeholders through “Women Studies Certificate Course”.
3) To initiate the students in basic ideas about gender studies.
4)The course is aimed at creating a critical understanding of legal discourse and legal practices from feminist viewpoint.
The context:
The contextual approaches for first two points sited above are to understand women’s problem and create awareness about it. To cultivate the theme of gender equality and to attain women’s freedom that leads to the achievement of woman empowerment. The third point focuses on to create awareness among girl students.
The course intends to provoke the students along two lines
(1) what role women played in history-making and why and how they disappeared from historical accounts
(2) what happened to women in past and what were the implications of these happenings in a given past for its women.
The practice:
“Women’s studies certificate course” is of 6 month duration the course is free of cost and open for all. The course is conducted during July to December.
Evidence of success :
It seeks to sensitise the participants on the ‘woman question’ and raise consciousness
among them to address gender issues in their- everyday lives, academic pursuit and career plans.
It intends to engage participants in the following:
• Understanding critically the basic concepts in Women’s Studies
• Mapping historically the women’s movements in India
• Analysing major issues in the fields of development and culture from gender perspective
Problems encountered and Resources required
• Challenges faced by women and third gender should make us reflect on the injustices inflicted upon them as a consequence of gender discrimination.
• Since gender justice is not only desirable but mandatory everywhere, Gender Studies as a discourse needs to be understood by scholars from different streams of knowledge.
• Emerging issues in gender studies need to be discussed among scholars in order to develop a pedagogical and epistemological perspective which is free from all sorts of gender bias.
• To comprehend the issues and challenges faced by women,in a holistic manner through deliberations, research work, theory building and information dissemination.
• To create health awareness among the girls students to increase the physical strength, make them more confident and help them to be regular in daily attendance.
• Most of the girls are from rural area. The family backgroundof the students is economically and socially weak.
• There is tendency of ignorance about health issues in them and also in their parents which lead them towards bad impact on their health and ultimately to the health of society.
• The health of these girl students can be a major problem in their involvement of higher education
Context :
To create health awareness among girl students. The girls and their parents from our society are not conscious about health of girl students and have wrong ideas about their diet. Wrong diet ultimately leads to low HB level in them.
The Practice : Health Check up program organized by collaboration with Government Ayurvedic College. Check up of HB, weight, height etc. The problems were discussed by experts.
Evidence of success:
The success issue of this practice involves.
• Increase in health awareness among girls.
• Increase in physical strength of girl students
• Increase in total attendance of girl students during college timing
• Increase in confidence level of girl students.
• Healthy relation is established among girl student, their parent and women staff members.
Problems encountered and Resources required
• Tendency of girls and their parents to ignore health problems. This may be due to lack of health awareness and their economical background. Even in urban area most of the parents are unaware about Rubella vaccination.
• Availability of Doctors and hospital facilities for application of the scheme.
• Low response by ladies in rural area about participation in survey
• Financial supports.
1) The PH of soil is an important factor in determining which plants grow because it controls which nutrients are available for the plant to use.
2) It provides information about on the potency of toxic substances present in the soil.
3) It is indicative of status of microbial communities and net effect on the neutralization of organic residue.
4) For managing soil for selected agricultural crops.
1) Low nutrient levels in soil are a recognized limitation to crop production. Yet, farmers in certain agro-ecoregions either do not apply fertilizers, apply inadequate amounts, or apply the wrong fertilizers due to a mismatch with the nutrient needs of their soil.
2) In many cases, lack of availability of wet chemistry capabilities contribute to farmers in less developed regions not routinely conducting soil tests prior to fertilizer application.
3)Novel technologies and commercial products have become available, providing on-farm, timely, and relatively inexpensive soil and plant the functioning mechanisms of most of the products were found to be based on calorimetry that is PH meter. , spectroscopy etc.
4) we reflected upon the effectiveness of the products in generating relevant information to guide rationale fertilizer recommendations, and in that context discussed the concept of balanced fertilizer regimes that consider soil levels of different nutrients.
5) Soil factors that determine nutrient bioavailability and actual uptake by crops; and complex farming systems that may undermine the precision and efficiency of fertilizer application
The Practice:
Soil Analysis by using PH meter and different lab techniques. Project run by Chemistry Department Evidence of success :Consequently, soil testing provides a farm management tool with a potential benefit to the farmer of increased yields, reduced operating costs and superior environmental risk management. Additional benefits include; improved crop maturity and quality, higher tolerance to disease and pest damage, and increased growth.
Problem encountered and Resources required :
1)No Topsoil /Low Organic Matter,Heavy (clay) soil / Compaction / Poor Drainage.
3)Erosion/Slopes, Rocks, Buried debris, Obstructions.
4)Incorrect Soil pH,Low Nutrient Levels.
5)Lithologic Discontinuity (distinct changes in particle size between soil layers)
6))Soil Temperature.
Goal :
To assess the level of awareness and preparedness to fight against COVID-19 among the healthcare workers (HCWs) and other residents of the India.
The Context:
COVID-19 Awareness Among Healthcare Students and Professionals in Maharashtra and other states in India: A Questionnaire-Based Survey. The rapid and extensive spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has
become a major cause of concern for the healthcare profession . The aim of this study is to assess the awareness of COVID-19 disease and related infection control practices among healthcare professionals and students in the Maharashtra State.
The Practice :
total 399 responders from the Maharashtra and other states completed a questionnaire-based on the awareness, knowledge, and infection control practices related to COVID-19 infection in the healthcare setting.
Evidence of success:
As the global threat of COVID-19 continues to emerge, it is critical to improve the awareness and preparedness of the targeted community members, especially the less educated ones. Educational interventions are urgently needed to reach the targeted residents beyond borders and further measures are warranted. The outcome of this study highlighted a growing need for the adoption of innovative local strategies to improve awareness in general population related to COVID-19 and its preventative practices in order to meet its elimination goals.
Problem encountered and Resources required :
This survey was conducted at a Non teaching and teaching institute in Maharashtra and other states in India. The survey was prepared in the form of an online form and was sent to potential responders who included students and staff at various institutions in the state of Maharashtra, India. The period of the survey was April 2020 to May 2020 and a total of 399 responders completed the survey. The self-administered questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic questions and 50 questions based on knowledge and infection control practices related to COVID-19 disease in the healthcare setting were adapted from the current interim guidance. The questionnaire also included questions related to hand hygiene techniques based on the “five moments of hand hygiene” described by the WHO, which were used to test participants’ knowledge in optimal hygiene practices.
Notes (Optional) : India braces for the COVID-19 pandemic; healthcare workers on the frontlines are particularly vulnerable to this infection. The virus that causes COVID -19 was initially called as 2019-nCoV and was then termed as syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). It is a new strain discovered in 2019 which was not found previously in humans. Previously, the severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (MERS-CoV) have been known to affect humans. Outbreaks of respiratory disease caused by these viruses seem to have originated in animals before moving into other hosts like humans. MERS-CoV was found to be transmitted from Arabian camels to humans, whereas SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans. SARS-CoV-2 seems to have originated from bats and first reports of cases were from Wuhan, Hubei Province in China, suggesting an animal-to-person spread from a live animal market. The virus then spread outside Hubei and subsequently, to the rest of the world via human transmission. Several countries have now reported community spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus disease as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. With this mode of transmission, healthcare workers are among the highest risk of being infected. The highly contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus is an additional hazard for the healthcare system apart from the burden of extended work hours, physical and psychological stress, burnout, and fatigue. The objective of this study is to assess the awareness of COVID-19 disease and its related infection control practices among healthcare professionals in the Indian healthcare scenario. This was a questionnaire-based survey adapted from current interim guidelines and information for healthcare personnel provided by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO.
- Goal:
To give exposure to students to the speakers having thorough knowledge of English
To enable the students to acquire skills of English Language and Literature
To promote the study of English language at higher education level
To highlight the importance of spoken and written English for academic purposes
To provide relevant information to students in the field of English language
To boost confidence in students by allowing them plan and execute the whole lecture series
Thus provide public speaking and outreach training to students who are seeking career in completing their graduation in BA, B Sc. streams - The Context:
There is a great need to develop English Listening skill in the students of this region. Majority of the students are from rural areas with weak socio educational background. The purpose of arranging this lecture series is to develop skillfully listening among students. This effort of ours helps students to acquire knowledge in a quick and efficient way. This will provide an opportunity to come in contact with renowned subject experts of English Language available from other institutes and university. Students will be stimulated to learn more about accent, specific words used in specific contexts. Students become able to listen, understand and process the acquired knowledge through points and notes.
The Practice:
Three days lecture series is organized for B. A., B Sc., B. C. A. and B Com students. Every year different topic is taken for the series. Care is taken to create interest among students while choosing the topic. Renowned subject experts are invited for the series.
Evidence of success: - Problem encountered and Resources required:
Teaching English in India is not without challenges. The problems and challenges range from the position of English in India with methods of teaching and evaluation. Students are from diverse socio-economic linguistic background. Medium of instruction and learning is schools are very different. There is less exposure to English language and that is why students are not enthusiastic to opt for this subject. Influence of mother tongue is one of the reasons of dislike in English. Ill trained English teachers and their lack of rich literary background may be the cause of dislike in English. College provides all the necessary infrastructure and help to organize the series.
1)To introduce students about the Hyderabad Mukti Sangram and role of Arya Samaj in Hyderabad Mukti Sangram. 2) Enhancing students Writing skills and thinking abilities.
3)Students realized how to participate in competition.
The Practice:
1)Contribution of Arya Samaj in Hyderabad Mukti Sangram .
2) Role of Arya Samaj in promotion of Hindi language of Mauritius.
3) Doordarshan and Akashwanee Contribution towards Hindi Language.
Evidence of success :
Participants participated from all over India.
Problem encountered and Resources required :
Pandemic situation of COVID-19 effects on essay writing competition.
Notes (Optional ):
Students of graduation and post graduation alerts and serious towards National Hindi language.
- Goal:
1)Hand sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those times when soap and water are not available.
2)They are gels that contain alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the skin. The alcohol works immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria and most viruses.
3)The economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic is devastating. During this situation Hand Sanitizer were distributed to Society.
The Practice:
1)1500 L of Alcohol based Hand Sanitizer prepared in lab with a batch capacity of 100 L per day.
2) The Hand Sanitizer, as per WHO guidelines, which is as follows: Alcohol70%, Glycerol 1.45%, Hydrogen peroxide 3.00% (this assay is printed in the label also, along with the Directions for use tips.)
3)Sanitizer sprayer of 100 ml (container) was given to all staff and among the Society.
Context :
The world is facing a medical crisis amid the CoViD-19 pandemic and the role of adequate hygiene and hand sanitizer’s is inevitable in controlling the spread of infection in public places and healthcare institutions. There has been a great surge in demand for hand sanitisation products leading to shortages in their supply. A consequent increase of standard products in the market has raised safety concerns. - Evidence of success:
1) The run on hand sanitizer also came as health officials across the country have remained adamant that the best way for people to combat the spread of potentially dangerous germs is simply through diligent hand washing with soap and water.
2) The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention do note that, when it comes to preventing the spread of coronavirus, “if soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.” - 3) With the announcement of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), experts around the world recommend frequent hand washing, social distancing, and respiratory hygiene to reduce the virus’ spread. 4) Hand washing is one of the most effective ways a person can protect themselves and their family from getting sick. However, if soap and water are not immediately available, people can also use hand sanitizers.
Problem encountered and Resources required:
1) The use of ingredients that have no effect on the pathogens that cause COVID-19
2) Using hand sanitizer is a useful alternative to soap and water, but it should not be a substitute for proper hand washing. According to the CDC proper hand washing techniques can reduce the number of all types of germs, pesticides, and metals on the hands. 3) Researchers have demonstrated that solutions containing 60% ethanol and 70% Isopropanol which are the active ingredients in CDC-recommended alcohol-based hand sanitizers, inactivate viruses However, these approved hand sanitizers still do not kill all pathogens, including Cryptosporidium, norovirus, Clostridium difficile.
Goal :
1.To create awareness about Gandhian thoughts and spread it among the youth generation.
2. To provide knowledge in the area of truth, non violence and peace.
The context:
Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon arranges ‘ Gandhi Vichar Sanskar ‘ examination all over India. This examination is carried out for enlightenment of various aspects of Mahatma Gandhiji’ s life . It is contextual that how fundamentals of Gandhiji are useful in today’s life.
The practice:
Students and staff members are eligible for this exam. Schedule of this exam is provided by Gandhi Research Foundation to all the colleges of India. After that in accordance with the given schedule and rules, registration of students is done by relative subject co-ordinator. Books are provided as per the registration. Exams are arranged by college prepared based on these books. Gandhi Research Foundation provides certificates and districtwise awards for the students appeared.
Problems encountered and resource required:
Students need to be convinced continuously about importance of this examination. Registration appealing for books , distribution of books, arranging exams, further preparing the results and distribution of certificates is manual and very lengthy process. Manual as well as financial support is required for this purpose.
Evidence of Success:
Student gets known about Gandhian thoughts and they can express their thoughts about Mahatma Gandhi and his work for nation. Due to this curiosity and participation, student and staff of our college have won gold, silver and bronze medals every year since last eight years.